Christine König Galerie curated by Zdenka Badovinac
„I’M ONE ONLY IF I’M MANY: collaboration as framing in the work of IRWIN“

13.9 - 12.10.2019 Press release Arrow
Christine König Galerie, Schleifmühlgasse 1, 1040 Vienna


Zdenka Badovinac


  • IRWIN More Arrow
    IRWIN (Dušan Mandič, Miran Mohar, Andrej Savski, Roman Uranjek, Borut Vogelnik), established 1983 in Ljubljana, live and work in Ljubljana


IRWIN: The Mystery of the Black Square
Colour photography, 160 x 140 cm
Courtesy Galerie Gregor Podnar, Berlin, Photo: Andres Serrano
IRWIN: Transnacionala
Installation, 260 x 520 x 120 cm
Courtesy Galerie Gregor Podnar, Berlin
IRWIN: Namepickers
C-print, 90 x 70 cm 3/10 + AP
Courtesy Galerie Gregor Podnar, Berlin