Galerie Ernst Hilger & Hilger NEXT curated by Claire Breukel
„The Politics of Art as Life“

21.9. - 25.10.2012 Press release Arrow
Galerie Ernst Hilger & Hilger NEXT, Dorotheergasse 5, 1010 Vienna & Absberggasse 27, 1100 Vienna


Claire Breukel More Arrow
* 1979 in South Africa, lives and works in New York and Miami Claire Breukel began her career curating the 2002 Cape Town Month of Photography biennale and the Vision Photography Festival before being introduced to Miami by the Rubell Family Collection. In Miami, Breukel was Executive director of Locust Projects, a renowned alternative non-profit exhibition space. Following this she became nomadic in her role as Coordinator of PUMAVision and Curator of PUMA. As a creative person she is developing the arts specifically within Africa and the Caribbean region. She has curated exhibitions in South Africa, New York, Miami, El Salvador and Vienna. She writes for ArtPulse, Arte al Dia and Eikon magazine, and weekly for the online New York blog Hyperallergic.


  • Peterson Kamwathi Waweru
  • Simon Vega