Crone Wien curated by Joerg Koch

13.9 - 12.10.2019 Press release Arrow
Crone Wien, Getreidemarkt 14, 1010 Vienna


Joerg Koch


  • Jonathan Castro
  • Mike Meiré
  • Rosemarie Trockel More Arrow
    *1952, lives in Cologne
  • Eli Russell Linnetz
  • Sterling Ruby
  • Thomas Lohr

Exhibition text

More Arrow

We regret to inform you that there is no future. Nor is there a past. Music, art, technology, pop culture, and fashion have evaporated as well. There is only one thing left: THE BIG FLAT NOW caused and driven by circulation.


THE BIG FLAT NOW is the infinite plane on which our culture operates today. Its frictionless surface is composed of the obsolete hierarchies that have been melted by the Internet. Its shallowness belies a seamless texture that allows for the rapid collision of ideas. In a fiberoptic landscape, the difference between next door and next continent is a matter of imperceptible nanoseconds. Northern Baroque paintings, Triassic fossils, and yesterday’s op-eds are tabs on the same browser. Raised by a global chorus of voic- es, our identities are voluntary, malleable, and unprescribed. We are everywhere, anytime, and everyone at once.

In THE BIG FLAT NOW, gesture, friendship, and amateurism have replaced jargon, mes- saging, and expertise. Product design has become a form of DJ-ing, and vice versa. Contemporary art and luxury fashion have come to operate through the same logic, sharing practitioners who glide freelybetween each field. Film, music, fashion, visual art, and the marketing machines that support them have been compressed into a unified thing called “content”.


At the power core of this ecosystem is circulation, which creates the feedback that serves as an endlessly renewable energy source. If, in order to unlock the total potential of a networked society, new languages and strategies for cultural pro- duction must be formed, this includes a revisioning of how we circulate – our ideas and their material products, our knowl- edge and our fictions, our data and our codes, our capital and our bodies. Circula- tion is the dynamic and the fuel of content in the present day. Like the proverbial tree in the forest, it may even be the condition of our creative and cultural existence.

The exhibition features artistic theses on this new paradigm.


Mike Meiré: DHL
Lacquer on Cardboard, 260 x 225 cm
Courtesy the artist and Bartha Contemporary, London.
Eli Russell Linnetz: Ohne Titel I
C-Print, 90 x 60 cm
Courtesy the artist and Galerie Crone, Berlin Vienna
Rosemarie Trockel: Cogito, ergo sum
Strick, 25 x 167 x 0,5 cm
Courtesy the artist and Galerie Crone, Berlin Vienna.
Sterling Ruby: Hammer
Aluminiumguss, 3,2 x 32,1 x 14,3 cm
Courtesy Sterling Ruby Studio.
Sterling Ruby: Crow Bar - Large
Aluminiumguss, 10,2 x 60 x 14,3 cm
Courtesy Sterling Ruby Studio.
Thomas Lohr: Ohne Titel
Hartschaum, 180 x 36 x 42 cm
Installation view THE BIG FLAT NOW, Crone Wien. Courtesy the artist and Galerie Crone, Berlin Vienna.