SOPHIE TAPPEINER curated by Nicoletta Lambertucci

13.9 - 12.10.2019 Press release Arrow
SOPHIE TAPPEINER, An der Hülben 3, 1010 Vienna


Nicoletta Lambertucci


  • Tabita Rezaire
  • Benito Mayor Vallejo
  • Zadie Xa

Exhibition text

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“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.”

Audre Lorde


Radical Self-Love is an exhibition that offers three distinct positions on excavat- ing cultural roots and worshipping them through personal journeys and subjective reinterpretations. Proudly embracing and caring for one’s origins and traditions, the works presented unravel the spiritual, political and social issues of the artists’ ancestries and often incorporates the artists’ personal image to narrate con- temporary tales of diversity, individual challenges and global inclinations. The three artists all come from idiosyncratic backgrounds and each of them utilises their persona as a powerful medium, an instrument to articulate the nuances of identity constructions in the contemporary global society.


The artists’ works are highly multi- disciplinary and often collaborative, encompassing music, fashion, digital space, yoga sessions and healing prac- tices. The outcome of their work ranges from performance to video, from textiles to DJ-sets, and are always extremely recognisable in their potent aesthetics.

Radical Self-Love is a formula that gives permission to cherish individual authen- ticity and forgive the times when we forget our own distinctive power. Accepting the complexity of one’s past means empower- ing personal identity, while mastering authenticity produces fiercer selves.

In Radical Self-Love the words are intentionally separated, highlighting the significance of each term. I invite you to contemplate radicality as love and self- love as a forceful revolution.


SAGG NAPOLI: E COS FAVZ S’APPICN – fake things are flamable
Courtesy the artist
SAGG NAPOLI: From SAGG Napoli demonstrative Meme Series
Courtesy of the artist
Tabita Rezaire: Hoetep blessings
Courtesy of the artist and Goodman Gallery, South Africa
Benito Mayor Vallejo and Zadie Xa: We Came Over Water
Hand-sewn and machine-stitched fabric, re-purposed vintage leather, synthetic hair and hand-carved wood
Courtesy of the artists and Agustina Ferreyra, Mexico